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The first identifies the advantages provided by the attributes of tourism functions or vacation spot. The second measures mental advantages expected while experiencing the tourism product. When applying these approaches or exam help aggregate of both exam infer shuttle motivation, the timing is a crucial aspect, differentiating between merits which are sought prior examination the shuttle event and merits that have been really realized throughout, respectively after the commute experience Kay, 2003. The issue coming up when applying the mind-set of advantages sought respectively realized, is the usage of provided attributes of tourism products and/or merits anticipated by the tourist, whose expectations are perhaps formed by the commercials of tourism product suppliers, examination verify travel motives. Moreover, being according to provided and/or anticipated attributes and features, this mind-set is dealing more with trip purposes than with the ‘real’ go back and forth causes even travelers themselves will not be acutely aware of Mill and Morrison, 1985. The fourth mindset exam vacationer motivation is the software of Vrooms concept of expectancy concept in work motivation exam vacationer motivation by Witt and Wright 1992, as explained in additional element under 2.
